Friday, July 13, 2012

Recipe #27: White Sea Bass, Kale and Pasta

Kale, Kale, Kale.  We are told it is really good for us and we must eat it, but how?  My friend Anita has grown three different kinds of kale and I scored some.  The challenge was to come up with a tasty recipe.  I found this recipe on  The kale cooks down quite a bit and you have to braise it longer than you would spinach in order to get it to be tender.  I used Trader Joes Papardelle (wide egg noodles).   I had too much pasta for the kale, so pay attention.  I think I would add lemon juice and tomatoes to the recipe to make it even tastier.  The sea bass recipe follows, keep reading!

Yields: 4 servings

1 pound fresh kale
8 strips (rashers) bacon
1/2 onion - minced
1 pound dried pasta - medium wide noodles
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan

Cook the pasta according to the package instructions.

Dice the bacon and cook over medium heat.

Remove the bacon, and saute the onions in the bacon fat.

Add the kale, and toss until wilted.

Add in the cooked pasta and toss thoroughly.

Serve with grated parmesan.

by Jennifer A. Wickes ©2005

I also made fresh white sea bass which I prepared using a modified recipe from and my good old George Foreman grill.

I marinated the sea bass with lemon slices, garlic salt, Montreal steak seasoning, juice from one lemon and a splash (or two) of white wine.  I then cooked on GFG for about 10 minutes (was perilously close to having cooked too long.). 

All in all yummy.  Served with a nice crisp, buttery chardonnay from Blackstone. Happy cooking!

For those of you following calories, the total dinner came to approximately 656 calories (excluding wine, of course).

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